This is Amy's Face Book Post from 8-7-12...Benzen
continues to surprise everyone! As of today, the audiologist says his
hearing is normal, the cardiologist says his heart is normal (the hole
closed up), the neurologist says he is doing great, the ophthalmologist
says his eyes are perfect, the pediatrician says he's perfect all
around, the early intervention specialist says he's doing great, and the
occupational therapist says he's meeting all his milestones. In other
words, each day, Benzen continues to amaze us & we are reminded what
a true miracle he is. Our God is amazing! Please pray for continued
good news (we have an EEG scheduled for Friday to check for seizures)!
All of this still holds true. Today we finally got the EEG results from 10 days ago. I have been a nervous wreck anticipating these results. This test tells us if Benz has "slow firing" in any areas of the brain, and seizures or epilepsy. The nurse who called with the results said "the EEG was slightly limited due to movement and lack of stage 2 sleep, but what the doctor could see was completely normal, and the dr. saw enough to recommend no further testing at this point." GREAT NEWS! Benz is truly a miracle. I have not read one story about a CMV baby having this good of results at this point. I am beginning to think that the clinical drug "Cytogam" that Amy had twice while pregnant did work. I am so thankful for Dr. Hnat who found this early enough in the pregnancy to try this drug. I would say we got so lucky, but Dr. Hnat would probably say it was skill. He's probably right. Heres a little check list...Ears=good so far, eyes=good, head size=good, heart=good, eeg=good, no cmv rash, and his mobility is good. The only negative was the abnormal MRI. All in all he is a great little boy and a true blessing!
I had a couple of good stories and songs from the last week and a half, but my brother-in-laws Adam Pancoast and Ross Stambaugh said the songs get boring and they stop reading when they get to the songs - LOL! So I am going to leave them off this week.
Since so many people have been praying for us & Benzen and we obviously have seen the power of prayer, I have a special request for each of you. Please pray for a girl named Mandy as she is very sick and in the hospital. She has a VERY long road ahead of her! Mandy is truly an amazing woman & I have never even met her - just her parents, who are amazing as well. Thanks!
Have a good week everybody! Ben