Monday, June 25, 2012

The power of sign

Benzen is now done with his Valganciclovir.  Last Thursday was his final dose.  As we suspected he seems to be feeling better.  He is a little less grunty, eating more, and sleeping better.  He is starting to look more like me, meaning he is getting chubby.  Since we stopped the meds he has had a blood draw that told us his neutrophil number was up over 4,000.  That is good news because that means this number will continue to go up on its own. 
Since his numbers are looking good we are able to be around people again.  We went to the lake and had a great time.  The Bolyard and Pancoast boys finally got to meet Benz.  I couldn't believe how much they had grown since I wasn't allowed to really be around them either.  Zae Zae and Hudson are getting so big, and if you know Eli you know he's a big boy.  It will be nice to see how they all interact growing up. 
Now on to a story.  I went to a gas station to pick up a drink.  There were two people ahead of me.  The person first in line had hearing aids in and appeared to be pretty severely hearing impaired.  He said to the clerk "bathroom?"  The clerk pointed to the corner of the station.  Then the man said "where's the key?"  The clerk did not understand. The man asked again "where's the key?"  The clerk then said "oh sorry, it's unlocked."  Then the man could not make out what to clerk was saying, the clerk said "it's unlocked, unlocked, unlocked" while trying to mouth the word so he could read his lips.  I could see that they were both starting to get frustrated.  I said to myself "you have been practicing sign language for a while now, you can help this man."  I walked up, tapped the man on the shoulder, and signed to him the letters for "unlocked" with my hand.  The man lit up and signed and mouthed "thank you" to me.  I could not believe that I did it.  Benzen was on my mind the whole time.  Is hearing impairment in his future?  Will he struggle to communicate through out life like this man?  I became so overwhelmed with emotion, I paid for my drink and went to my truck.  I had been talking to my mom when I went in so I called her back.  I could barely tell her the story.  I was crying and I really didn't know why. It could have been that I just helped a deaf man and I was proud of myself.  It could have been the thoughts of Benzen that were flashing through my mind.  Both I guess.  Looking back I would do the same thing and I'm proud that I was able to help him.  Just another way how Benzen has really had such a positive impact on me and my family already.  I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Good night,


  1. I have been following for some time now and I have yet to make a comment. After reading this I must say that it really touched me. Ben, I have know you for a large majority of your life. That being said I have to tell you that you must be one of the most special people I have had the pleasure to know. You really are an inspiration and I hope that you do not take that too lightly. I mean it. You must have the strength of a million men. Thanks for this story and Thank you for helping that man. It seems for me that when I get down or start to worry about something, that at the time seems like a big deal in my own personal life, something miraculous happens to me and I have only in the past few years learned to grasp the meaning of it. The situation that you described is another one of those moments that sneak up on me and of course "show" you what is really going on. I know I am rambling at this point but let me explain. When those feelings envelope me and I feel as though I am "losing" or defeated, God, at least I want to believe it's God comes to me. But not in the way that you think. The clouds do not part and bushes don't burn. It is in the form of people just like the guy you helped today. Or it is the 6 year old boy that is in the wheelchair who is laughing and joking with his friends in the supermarket. The blind woman that needs help crossing the street. It happens to me EVERYTIME. The only way I can explain this is that God is tell me "something". I feel COMPLETE empathy for these people and I find the strength to forgot myself and try to help others selflessly and enjoy whatever situation I am dealing with in my life. The world is a strange and beautiful place. The strength and passion and future is all right in front of you. Thoughts and emotions become reality in more ways than I can explain. I envy you and Amy and your strength. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. But somehow I know that you really don't "need" them. You are a giant among men Ben....and I am happy to call you my friend..:)

  2. A Mornit Little Remer Family! I have to tell you the first thing I thought when I opened this is, " Oh my gosh, he looks just like Mike!" I can tell you,from a grandparent standpoint that is very cool. The next thing is as I'm reading your post, it made me think of what my sister and I pray for every morning "if there is someone in need today, let us be there for them." Then I read Jon's post. How unbelievable relevant his words are. Jon, you were to me what I pray to be to others. I come home from a great walk at 5:00 a.m. With my sissy, and by 6:00 I'm crabby. I read both of you boys posts and feel better. There is hope. Thank you both, as Jon said, God sent me a message, just like he does every time.
