Thursday, May 17, 2012

Keepin the faith

A couple of updates from the last two days.  Benzen's picc line had to come out yesterday morning.  When they put the picc line in they covered it with the proper coverings however they forgot to cover the part that attaches the IV tube to the part next to his skin.  This is very bad and could've caused a serious infection (hopefully it didn't already).  They left his picc line out for about a day and half/two days, they put it back in at 11 am this morning.  After they were able to get his picc line in they had to do his daily blood draw.  Guess what?  Remember me telling you that if his white blood count fell low enough that they would stop his medicine until his white count came back up?  Well that happened today.  His white count fell and they stopped the medicine until his white count comes back up.  This stinks bad for a couple of reasons.  I am not sure if this will keep Benz in the NICU longer so that he can get all of the required doses.  Also, if we would have known that before they re-put his picc line in, they would not have had to put his picc line back in until they were ready to start the medicine again.  This would have made it easier to hold him and play with him for the next couple of days.  Our spirits are still high and I can't wait for the weekend when I can spend the night and have a slumber party with my little guy.
I am so glad that I have this blog to update.  I like having everyone get all the facts right from me.  I have not heard one rumor about Benz and I am very happy about that.  Another thing my dad always said (baahaha)(I didn't know I had so many "my dad always told me's")  He always said "only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.).
This has been such a learning experience for me and I am sure you as well.  Thank you all for reading and keeping the faith.  We are about 50 views away from 10,000 views!
With everyone's generosity I am sure Amy and I will miss a thank card to somebody.  So please know that we thank you all for everything you have done for us.  I received a very thoughtful card tonight from all of my "peeps" at Dental Health Associates.  Dr. Tim T and the gang are the best Dentists around!  Thank you everybody.  Josie, I look forward to reading your comment just as much as you say you look forward to reading my posts every day.
Goodnight everybody,


  1. Hello remers .. sitting in bed catching up on the blog... I always love your updates Ben.. happy tears, sad tears... I think about you guys daily! Ill sit down to eat lunch. Then think.. wonder how Amy is.. how Ben is. Where are they?!... The way you update us with your thoughts and feelings is amazing... thank you for sharing.. you've made me think about things different in life at times.. you always think the people you would look up to would be older... but not this case.. you are younger ... the meaning of family is stronger than ever with you and Amy.. keep those positive thoughts! ! Enjoy your slumber party with him this weekend <3

  2. Good Morning Little Remer Family. Ben it was good seeing you yesterday, still look like you're 18, but know that at times your heart feels like 80. As I'm reading about Benzen's treatment it makes me think about dad's. You become somewhat of a mini expert in whatever that area is. Not a bad thing. My family learned alot and also learn to be pro active in you families care. Hospitals, Docotrs, Nurses are wonderful, but are also very busy. You and Amy are Benzen's best care givers. Have fun this week-end, and TRY to get Benzen at least once in the middle of the night!

  3. Ben - I can across this quote today, and it reminded me of how you are always writing about what your Dad taught you. I thought you might like it:
    “I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.”
    ― Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
    We are thinking of you and your family! My best to you all.
    Lynn Warner
